Posts by Category


Log Parsing with Morphlines, Part 2

Morphlines is an open source parsing engine that enables you to write parsing applications that can handle a wide variety of log formats. Part 1 of this ser...

Log Parsing with Morphlines, Part 1

Morphlines is an open source framework that eases the development of data ingestion and parsing applications written in Java. Originally developed by Clouder...

Elasticsearch Client Programming - Perl

Since creating a log management system for the OSSEC HIDS with Elasticsearch, I have been busy applying this useful search technology in other projects. Elas...

XML Creation with DOM in Java

Awhile back I wrote a blog about parsing XML documents with the DOM facilities provided by Java. As it turns out you can use the same API to programmatically...

Condition Variable Class in C++

Condition variables are used in conjunction with mutexes by one thread to signal other threads that it has changed the state of a given variable. Synchronizi...

Mutex Class in C++

When multiple threads want to synchronize access to a shared resource they use mutexes and condition variables. A mutex enables a thread to block other threa...

XML Parsing with DOM in Java

In my blog XML Parsing with DOM in C++, I used the Xerces-C++ XML Parser as the foundation for the XML parsing API. The classes from that article are also us...

XML Parsing with DOM in C++

Having the ability to parse XML files is a requirement for a lot of applications these days. XML is a standard format for exchanging data between programs an...

Reversing a Linked List

In all my years as a software developer, reversing a singly linked list is not something I’ve had to do. But it is a commonly asked question in interviews fo...

Multithreaded Work Queue in C++

In a previous blog Java Style Thread Class in C++ I discussed how to develop a C++ class that enables you to create Pthread based objects that resemble Java ...

Java Style Thread Class in C++

Java provides the Thread class that enables developers to easily create multiple threads in Java applications. Pthreads is commonly used for multithreaded pr...

Develop a Packet Sniffer with Libpcap

Libpcap is an open source C library that provides an API for capturing packets directly from the datalink layer of Unix derived operating systems. It is used...

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RESTful Web Services with Jersey

Although Eclipse is commonly used for Java web service programming, it can be challenging to configure and use for testing. Luckily Eclipse is not the only I...

Creating Elasticsearch Snapshots

Benjamin Franklin once wrote “…in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes”. In this computerized world of ours, I would add havi...

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OSSEC Log Management with Elasticsearch

Among the many useful features of OSSEC is its capability to send alerts to any system that can consume syslog data. This makes it easy to combine OSSEC with...

Securing Hadoop with OSSEC

Hadoop has built-in security facilities such as kerberos user authentication, encrypted RPC between system nodes and file encryption. While these are importa...

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